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  • Writer's pictureAnnemarie Rawson


Updated: Feb 4, 2021

I found the most delightful interiors store not far from us. It is called The Conservatory Garden and Home and is really my kind of heaven. Franglaise is really a term used for a mixture of the languages but I'll use it for an interior look!

It feels like a wonderful mix of English Conservatory meets French Chic decor and is my kind of interiors and garden. Lots of beautiful plants for big French outdoor urns or smaller shrubs and orchids for inside. Their collections and 'rooms' were so inviting. I spent ages wandering and feasting my eyes on it all.

I had a copy of My French Platter in my bag but they were busy and distracted and I didn't drum up the courage to ask if they would put it in amongst their homewares and sell it. I'll take the 'chicken' route and email them instead!

I hope you enjoy having a look.

Creating an outdoor room

And another aspect

The path takes you to the front door and looking forward to what awaits inside

The blue and white room - my favourite

At the gate with carefully set pots of white to lure you in.

Black/white/cream with the odd bit of lemon

A lovely collection of bits and pieces.

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