It’s luxury staying at my sister, Jill’s house. Her home should be photographed for House and Garden it is so beautifully furnished. Plus there is never anything out of place - except for her older sister!
I got my wish last night for a delicious, green salad - but I had to make it myself. Being family you don’t just get to sit on your bum and get waited on. So annoying.
It was a fun night with Jill and Ferg and their local family as well as a couple that we know very well too. Christine and Peter arrived with champagne and that was the end of my 14 days without alcohol. You can’t say ‘no thank you’ to a glass of delicious champagne, as well as delicious Rose and delicious Pinot Gris. No, I wasn’t perky this morning and yes, I did have a headache. Thanks for asking .... Panadol works wonders.
Jill decided we needed to do a good walk to clear ‘our’ heads and stop for coffee on the way. Come on, time for a walk she said, we’ll walk to Milford she said. There was no mention of clambering over volcanic rocks and scaling high walls! Just because she’s as fit as a buck rabbit. She’d forgotten I’d been living in London and walking on the flat for two-plus years. Two hours later we arrived home. Jill put the kettle on and I fell into the nearest sofa.
Takapuna Beach has some stunning properties sitting almost at the water’s edge and Takapuna itself hosts some grand old property dames. Great architecture.
Time for a lie down. See you soon.

It’s pretty nice down here, Sheila. Xx
You’ll need to book a trip to NZ, Jenny. Xx
Beautiful. I’d never want to leave this lovely place!
It all looks amazing!