Restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus get tighter by the day in London. Haven't reached the stage of total lockdown, which is infuriating some. However, the latest Boris announcement telling us to AVOID pubs and restaurants is grossly unfair to those owners and those working in the hospitality industry. Boris needs to TELL these places to close, in order for owners to be able to claim insurance to pay their staff, rent and food bills. It doesn't stop there of course, and the financial implications for so many businesses and individuals is just frightening. Human nature has reared its ugly head in the form of greed. Here in Teddington and Kingston Upon Thames, shelves have been cleared of rice, pasta, pulses, tinned vegetables (particularly tomatoes), tomato paste and puree/passata. And of course, toilet paper. Which can now be bought on Ebay for extortionate prices. So many people are taking far more than their immediate needs. It is disgusting. I feel for those that live week to week and can't afford to stock up. On the plus side, human nature has also reared its kind head. Everyone in our block is chatting on the stairs as they pass by, checking everyone is ok as well as so many offers out there to buy groceries, post mail, walk dogs, collect prescriptions and so it goes on. It's wonderful to see. Our elderly neighbour right next door, who hardly leaves his flat, has had more knocks on the door, checking on him, in the past five days, than he has had in a month! He'll be loving this nasty virus..... Classes of all sorts have been cancelled too, including my Pilates class which I love; because we all go for coffee afterwards and there's always a lively chat. Oh and the physical exercise is good for me, I'm told. Not just moving my jaw! I know these restrictions are the same for all of you too. With spring here and summer just around the corner, so many of us had travel booked. At this point in time, we can still move around the UK but not advised to. However, it is those of you in NZ and Australia that had big trips planned that I feel for. I know so many have cancelled flights, cruises and hotels and will re-book closer to your planned departure date, should this virus allow you to. Or just not come this year. I was sooooo looking forward to seeing you.
Here is a little bit of spring to bring hope and joy. Summer here will be very quiet this year.
